Your PepsiCo keynote provided more than just encouragement. It presented the tools and the know-how behind influence and being influential.
Lauren Friedrich
Associate Manager, Brand Development & Commercialization, PepsiCo

Karen is simply someone who understands people and business. She is someone I consider the very best in her field of expertise. She anticipates the objective and listens well....truly wants to bring significant value to the game.
Tobias W. Buck
Founder, Chairman, President, CEO Paragon Medical Inc. Indiana

Using Dr. Keller strategies and materials helped me transition to working for a new company as a department manager and eventually secure a position as a Vice President in an international company with annual sales of 1.3 billion. This move was a 25% increase in salary with a sizeable career promotion. Dr. Keller understands the dynamics of highly competitive and political environments. She has the practical experience and ‘know-how’ which motivates her clients to achieve great success.
Steve Miller
Global VP Supply Chain Management Wabash National Inc. – Indiana

The Keller Influence Indicator® (KII™) is a refreshingly unique approach to individual development. The KII™ goes well beyond an identification of personal attributes and fills a gap that is lacking today by giving direct actions on how to improve and grow as a leader. Personally, I am excited to have access to this information for myself, but even more excited about using the KII™ with my team to help mentor and empower their individual strengths as leaders!
Sean Miller
Paragon Medical – Pierceton, Indiana

After I took the KII™ I suddenly realized that there was room for improvement in my confidence. So I ordered the Confidence in Motion KII™ Workbook. What I found was a great deal of content, strategies and ready-to-implement activities that would help me grow my confidence. I highly recommend this workbook, and all the other workbooks (I’ve purchased them all) to anyone who is serious about increasing their competency with any of these traits.
Jackson Moyer
Orlando, Florida
When I started my own company, I invested in Dr. Keller’s coaching program. It was the best investment I made! She inspired me to take the risks needed to take charge of my destiny. My client numbers increased 35%, and my profits went up 60% - in the first year! Dr. Keller motivated me to invent and implement ways to expand my business 45% with little financial investment. Her ideas were critical to helping me know which actions to take.
Roberta Stone
Founder, President RA Stone Designs – Indiana

I hated to admit I had difficulties with my confidence especially since I work in a male dominated field. But what I liked about the KII™ Confidence Workbook was that it guided me through a nicely laid out plan to build my confidence and get comfortable with asserting myself. Wonderful material!
Riley Haugen
New Jersey
From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina

Commitment is something I always thought of only in a personal relationship. After getting half-way through the Power of Commitment KII™ Workbook I understood that that was only the tip of the iceberg. I found out I wasn’t making the kind of commitment to myself that I should have been. In fact, it was my lack of commitment that was making things difficult for me. Making this change will be hard but definitely worth it.
Bill Finear
The Keller Influence Indicator® (KII™) has passed the ‘thump’ test – meaning the KII™ Report is 50 pages of information, ideas, and knowledge about me – my competitive advantage, blindspots and areas for improvement. My work consists of coaching high potential people in the C-Suite who would benefit tremendously from finding out just how influential they can be, what they could be doing better and how they could leverage their influence traits. The KII® can help people in all aspects from CEO or new manager to the sales team in improving their ability to influence their environment, relationships, and self, as well as enhance their leadership ability. This assessment is not for the faint of heart. Rather it is for the person who is serious about investing in their future, the future of their business and helping to guide others to maximizing their influence.
Jean Kelley
Industrial Sociologist and Author “Look. Leap. Lead. A Pocket Guide to Being a Memorable Leader” Tulsa, Oklahoma
Of all the traits in the KII™ I think commitment was the most difficult to understand. I never realized how important it was and my laissez faire attitude toward commitment. The one thing I really like about the Power of Commitment KII™ Workbook is its direct application to what is going on in my life in real time.
Elizabeth Shea
Detroit, MI
I never thought I had a problem with courage. In fact, I see myself as a courageous person. Well, I learned there is more to courage than I normally thought. It’s more than facing the bully at work. It’s facing yourself in the mirror. The level of honesty I found in the KII™ Courage Workbook was refreshing.
Mike Bloomfield
Boston, MA
I had never given too much thought to passion mainly because I was too busy. Passion for me was something that existed in a personal relationship. I found out from the KII™ Passion Workbook that it is much more. I’m learning that passion is a driving force in all parts of my life. It’s actually pretty exciting!
Howard Magnesson
St. Louis, MO
Passion has been priority for me for the last 4 years, so I was eager to see what was in this workbook. What I found were more than 150 pages of comprehensive detailed topics and exercises all centered on passion. Dr. Keller did a great job of honing in on, what most people see, as a difficult subject.
Melissa Hogan
The KII™ Workbook on empowering is helping me become more assertive in how I approach the teams I supervise at work. Having a deeper knowledge about leading a team really comes down to how you empower them to perform. The exercises and lesson plans are very helpful, making me think of ways to accomplish an empowered team.
Bill Hemsworth
The Keller Influencer Indicator® assessment is easy to take and produces a quite comprehensive and easy to understand report. The workbooks focusing on specific areas are a great idea and provide a simple way to focus on improving one thing at a time. I can’t wait to dig in and learn more to see how best to use with my clients.
Janet Fjeldstad
San Francisco, California
I purchased the entire KII™ Workbook Series. I am so glad I did because all the workbooks really build off of and complement each other. The empowerment workbook introduced me to new ideas about empowerment.
Tim Conselato
Not only does the Trustworthy Workbook give me actionable things I can do right now, but it gives me the reasons behind why and how it works. The material is very helpful, insightful and easy to incorporate to what I need. All the lesson plans are directed at addressing the concerns people have with trust issues.
Haley Aldan
Excellent material! I plan on purchasing the other workbooks as soon as I finish this one. I started with likeability because I believe that’s the first thing that people see. And I wanted to know where I was doing okay and what I needed to improve on. Thank you so much for this exceptional material all in one book.
Chance Singleton
Dr. Karen Keller has created an incredible assessment and development program that will clearly help individuals and entire organizations advance to higher levels of achievement. I have participated in a variety of leadership programs throughout my career and have never seen anything like this. The KII™ Assessment is a very innovative approach to help individuals understand their strengths, weaknesses (blindspots/pitfalls) and improvement opportunities to become more effective in various aspects of their career and life in general. My personal assessment results confirmed my self-awareness in many areas, but also provided great insight that changed my overall perspective on how to improve my interactions and influence others. I’m looking forward to using the KII™ Workbooks to focus specifically on my traits that can be developed further. From a much broader perspective, I believe organizations can significantly improve their competitive advantage and overall success by having co-workers at all levels participate in this program
Art Doner
Senior Vice President & Market Executive, Old National Wealth Management – Detroit, Michigan
Likeability is a trait that I wanted to improve because sometimes I’m not sure that who I am gets across to people. The lesson plans in this workbook have given me ways to be more assertive, accessible, and confident in being like for who I am. I‘m looking forward to more of Dr. Keller’s material on influence.
Joan McGivens
Minneapolis, MN
The leadership development industry is filled with courses, books, and programs – and each has gold nuggets and value. On the other hand, you can’t use them all. The big theme in 2019 is learning to lead in a network, which means leading through influence, collaboration, listening, and deciding when to act.
Josh Bersin
Bersin by Deloitte, “Responsibility and Trust in a Time of Uncertainty”, 2019
I am not comfortable dealing with risk. I think others see me as a wimp but I really struggled with it. Since working on my Courage Workbook, I have reached an understanding of why I’m afraid to take a risk. I’m learning that everything doesn’t need to be ‘fail-safe.’ And I am getting better at doing the exercises that push my comfort zone.
Kim Pratton
This has been a very interesting experience so far, I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of the experiment :) I was impressed with how well everything was put together.
Tess Strand
Portland, Oregon
Dr. Keller took a long time to perfect her Keller Influence Indicator®. I was really looking forward to getting the results. I enjoyed the process and completed the KII™. Within the first few pages of my report I found so much stellar information that really acknowledged things that I work on, such as listening, always working to be a better version of myself, a better friend, a better partner and a better collaborator in business. I have taken many tests and find this to be one of the most useful, in that, I can take the individual element scores and work on the elements I need to improve and hone to be the best me, more to the point, to use my potential for influence in the right areas, and in the right way to improve myself, my business and my capacity to influence. Thank you for a tool I will be using consistently, going forward.
Elaine Lindsay
TROOL Social Media - Ottawa, Canada
I found that the mere taking of the KII™ assessment helped me focus on important areas of my life that could use attention, and the results provided insight on where I might choose to begin a process for self-improvement.
Rick Delaney
Attorney – Huntington, Indiana
The KII™ assessment was easy to take and the report was insightful and easy to read. Thank you!
Chris Smead
San Francisco, California
Wow! So much of this assessment is right on the money! It confirmed a lot but also revealed some surprises that I had never really considered in the context of influence. I really appreciate having this information and the fact that the results also provide many simple and immediately actionable suggestions for further personal development. Thanks!
Chad Gramling
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Dr. Keller's Influence Indicator test was very easy to answer and upon completion I realized the things that I am great at and the things that I really need to work or focus on improving. I would highly recommend taking the time to take the influence indicator test.
Kary Monroe
Huntington, Indiana
I'm thrilled with this opportunity to understand my attitudes, focus on my potential, and strengthen my weaknesses. Dr. Keller has asked all the right questions to give me a tailor-made plan for change, and I can't wait to get started!
Abby Haskett
Iowa City, Iowa
The Keller Influence Indicator® assessment has really made me think about myself and how I feel about several things.
Marti Evans
Orlando, Florida
I believe the Keller Influence Indicator® assessment was a good way for me to take a look at how I view myself in certain situations and help me determine areas where I can improve upon. Thank you, Karen, for this opportunity.
David Pribula
Fargo, North Dakota
I really like this workbook (KII™ Trustworthy Workbook). I’ve used other workbooks but this one covers an entire gamut of items related to trust. I really like how Dr. Keller gets right to the meat of trust and what I can do to gain the trust of others especially at work.
Connie Shultz
Karen is an enthusiastic, insightful speaker who delivers thought-provoking and relevant material that is certain to successfully influence both your personal and professional relationships.
Charles J. Vandenberg
PGA Master Professional, Two-time National PGA Teacher of the Year Finalist – Michigan

Thank you for the opportunity to work with the Keller Influence Indicator®. I found it to be both insightful and useful. My coaching clients are in leadership positions and one thing they regularly ask themselves is "Am I being influential and effective?" The Keller Influence Indicator® clearly gives them areas to work on. Combined with the Enneagram, this is an extremely powerful tool. Many thanks, Karen, for adding value to the coaching profession as a whole.
Mark Smith, ACC
Wildcats Adventure Coaching, Johannesburg, South Africa
The KII™ instrument, I found, is not just an excellent tool to evaluate an individual's (overt) thoughts, feelings, attitudes and expectations but also places them within the world he/she is self-perceived living in. That opens the venue for redirecting various foci but also to learn to subtly manage shortcomings. This comprehensive and three dimensional instrument (feelings, interpretations, reactions) in its quick evaluation within the context of an individual's life is very powerful. It offers the opportunity for introspection, self-reflection and (hopefully) as a consequence to this mental effort, the openness to new fulfilling experiences - or at least the readiness to listen.
Gero F. Weber
Karen Keller is an incredibly skilled, motivating and inspiring coach who has both the knowledge and skill to inspire powerful growth. Her talent has developed the very impressive "KII™ assessment" which is insightful but also incredibly innovative in how it is put together. True clarity of where one is both in heart and mind are not always easy to reveal but the KII™ provides this clarity. It is different to other tests as it has been developed by a professional coach and one with extensive hands-on knowledge of both the coaching discipline in a real practical sense. I am not aware of any other test such as this which has been developed with the unique insight that a coach can provide. The KII® has significant use for those really committed to significant and positive change.
Sam Mayaveram
London, UK
There are an overwhelming glom of assessments out there and many are useful. But after a while they all begin to say the same thing. The KII™ experience has discovered new ways of looking at ourselves, our strengths and natural proclivities, and provides some great support and learning. Not only that, but the follow up resources are rich and thorough. There's some really great stuff here to help me grow in some critical areas.
Ben Dooley
BeDo Confidence Coaching - Chicago, Illinois
The Keller Influence Indicator® is an amazing tool to work with! Firstly it pinpointed my strengths so I know what I could count on right now to move forward. Then it gave concise yet detailed, practical information on how to make improvements in my ability to be an influencer. I loved that it is backed by research with a normative group so I can see how I fit in with the general population. Then I found out there were accompanying workbooks on each of the different aspects of being an Influential leader. Not only does it show me where my strengths and weaknesses are but I can follow a step by step guided process to improve myself in each area.
Maureen Miller
Spearhead Executive Coaching - British Columbia, Canada
I had the privilege to take Dr. Keller’s assessment. Reading the questions and observing the scale I found it highly relevant and really thorough. The report I got after the assessment returned not only my K-Factor™ but was extremely informative. It covered all aspects of the 7 Influence Traits™ regarding my results as well as the whole spectrum, advantages and disadvantages, weaknesses and strengths, areas to improve and develop. It was objective and gave great insights. I surely recommend to take it! Development of your skills and balance is what the program is about. Thank You, Karen!
Agnieszka Szotek
Executive/Business Coach, Provocative Coach, FreshBiz Facilitator – Poland
As the CEO/founder of Coaching Startups, a ten million dollar high end coaching business, I believe that your income is the average of the incomes of your five closest friends Having Karen as a mentor and someone I can look to for business and professional advice has definitely been a key to building a 7 figure coaching business. Once I started working with Karen not only did my personal relationships change but so did my income. Karen’s KII™ Assessment has helped me clearly identify my strengths and the areas I want to improve. Working with Karen has been a transformative experience for me and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to any of my friends or family.
Keith Justin
CEO Coaching Startups & Best-Selling Author - Indiana
Having taken Karen Keller's KII™ I am impressed at how spot on the assessments in each category were. It reinforced my understanding of my leadership and influential abilities while gently pointing out where I can gain strength, instead of labeling these as weaknesses. Take the time to look at how well you are doing as well as where you can improve your influence abilities with the KII™.
Dori DeCarlo
Founder of Word of Mom Radio on BlogTalkRadio – New York
Thank you for letting me have this course. I thoroughly enjoyed it and repeatedly was challenged by its pace, depth and demands on me. It has been a great learning experience and revelation.
Gero F. Weber
Business Mentor, Dreiser-Weber GmbH - Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany