I’ll go ahead and say it: I think we spend too much time trying to “reel it in” in our business lives. We’re highly concerned about public opinion, what others think about how we run our business.

Today, we’re going to kick start the week by focusing on something I’ll bet you have tucked away under the bed somewhere: your wild things!

Perhaps it’s a road less taken or one like in the photo that winds and you wonder where it goes or what it does. Sometimes there is value in the business of taking the road less traveled. The less conventional path. From day one of starting a business, we’re concerned with things like business plans, Excel spreadsheets, bank accounts and blog layouts. Everything has its place. We know what we offer, how much it costs and (ideally) who’s going to be a good candidate for buying it. And having that knowledge is great! It’s essential, as a matter of fact.

But what really lights your fire as a businessperson? It’s the hot buttons. The wild things. The crazy little day to days, your industry’s game changers. When’s the last time you sat and thought about your wild things? Maybe it’s a service you’ve wanted to launch but just can’t find the gumption (a wild thing). It could be a rebranding. A face lift for your organization (a very wild thing). Is a fresh website calling? (wild, wild, wild)

Our business’ wild things are those that we tend to pass over in favor of the predictable. We could sell one more widget OR we could take the time to inject some passion, calculated risk and fire into our day to day and make a change. Change is scary – no doubt! But when we take the time to indulge our wild things, we find that we’re better for it on the other side.

And now, I think you know that your action task for today is to make a wild, wild list of YOUR wild things. What have you been putting off in favor of the predictable?

And as you get started, I’ll leave a thought for the nay-sayers: If you’re afraid to take a calculated risk, you’ll never grow.

Even those things that are predictable in business occasionally fail. And failure and success have one amazing thing in common: they both give us the motivation to go out and start something new so we can see what it will turn into down the line.  


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From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina