How Saying “No” Creates Real Power in Business

You might think that real power in business comes from simply owning a business. But as a businesswoman who’s got the hang of my daily routine, I’ll tell you: real power in business comes from the ability to say NO!

Finding Your Sweet Spot

The best way to find and play to your strengths, to analyze the way you perform in certain business situations, is to give yourself a job interview.

Finding Life – Changing Goals

Life changes as we grow older. Our priorities change as our life takes unexpected (or even expected) twists and turns. Some changes are momentous and some are small. But if we can’t learn to adjust our goals with the changes that happen in our lives, we may find ourselves becoming more and more frustrated with our inability to meet these goals. Do you know how to effectively change your life goals?

Anger Management: 10 Tips for Keeping Cool

It’s how you choose to control your anger that makes the difference between a positive and negative outcome. Are you controlling yours?

Operation Recon: Know Your Competition

It’s important that you take the time to get to know what others in your industry or even company are doing in order to be better aware of the conditions around you and find success at work.

In the Business Wilds: How to Improvise and Adapt Your Behavior

 You’re hard wired to do what’s best for you in most situations; all you need to do is learn to follow your gut instincts. Animals do it day in and day out and it works fairly well for them. They do what comes naturally and typically they do more than stay alive; they thrive!

Structuring Your Interactions with Spunk

Your initial interactions tell people lots about you. They are instrumental in deciding how you will be received and how much attention they give you. How energetic are you when meeting new people?


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