The Power of Self-Discipline: Do You Have It?

Self-discipline is the skill to get yourself to take action in spite of your emotional condition. It’s about willpower, persistence and hard work. The pivotal point of self-discipline is when you make a conscious decision, it is virtually guaranteed that you will follow through with it. The self-disciplined person loses 20 pounds. The self-disciplined person runs the marathon. The self-disciplined person creates wealth. The self-disciplined person finds real love.

Women's Health Alert: Are You Putting the Right Fuel in Your Engine?

How we perform on the job depends on many variables: our skill set, mindset, personality type, and attitude. At any moment, we may carry out any number of tasks that call on us to be able to think, move, and execute practically simultaneously. It's like we're in constant air traffic controller-mode having to complete one task (plane landing) while getting ready for the next (plane taking off), plus keeping our eye on the one that's a few hours away (plane approaching our air space).

How to Think Like Oprah

Oprah Winfrey has built an empire. A brand the world knows just by hearing her first name. She came from nowhere leading others to explore depths never talked about before. Oprah has clearly paved the way for women to be recognized as an economic, moral, and family force with the power to effect change and turn heads. What could she have been thinking all the while doing everything she did? Here’s my best guest.

Are YOU Influencing Your First Impressions?

As women in business and women leaders at work, we are always beginning new relationships, either with clients, staff, vendors or customers. Yet sometimes we can forget the importance first impressions make. Obviously as professionals, we strive to do our best, but there are times when, for whatever reason, we fall short, and unfortunately, this can put a negative mark on our track record from the get-go.

How to Quit When You’re Not a Quitter

There are a number of things we all need to quit: smoking, overeating, fibbing, ignoring reality, gossiping, and over-working just to name a few. I’m sure you can come up with a few more on your own. But, it’s that drive to succeed, to not stop, to not quit that keeps you in the throes of bad habits - habits that hurt your chances of finding contentment, success, and satisfaction.

How To Use Your Coaching Program

People start a coaching program expecting miracles. They believe the work will be done for them. The reality is the work is done by them. And this is learning and retention of knowledge at its best. Here are a few pointers on how to get the most from your coaching program.
  1. List what you really want in life. Coaching works best when you have goals. But not any old goals. Goals that are based on your needs and values.

Mothers Are The Next Generation of Great Leaders

Mothers are our first example of real leadership. Mothers demonstrate the most important leadership skill, and that’s the ability to know what is most important. Mothers concern themselves with doing the right thing - not always doing things right. Mothers are great leaders. They are concerned with efficiency and effectiveness. If they weren’t, can you image the state of the household? Mothers learn quickly to prioritize, which means they have to separate what is important from what isn’t. Once they’ve determined what is important, they then put their energy into what is essential.

Top 5 Reasons to Believe

Everyone tells you to believe. But that can be hard to do especially when nothing seems to be going right. The roof needs fixing, your savings has dwindled, and you didn’t get that raise you were expecting. Life can be filled with challenges and it’s easy to feel despaired. But don’t hang in the towel just yet. Believing in something … anything … has great value emotionally, psychologically, and physically. Check out the top 5 reasons to believe and fill your life with positive benefits from the inside out …


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