Your Personal Glass Ceiling: Break Through Your Self-Imposed Limits

When was the last time you swallowed what someone told you? Specifically, when "they" said you weren’t good enough or capable or too old? Did you accept it as gospel?

Sadly, people buy into the belief that what society, their education or even their experience has taught them is the end-all. They begin to agree that maybe they can’t, shouldn’t or will never.

Every morning you wake up is another chance for you to do or to be something different. It may be expressing an original idea, developing a new approach, or simply creating another perspective.

7 Sources of Negative Self-Talk

What happens when your core beliefs are negative? Nothing good.

Negative, or self-limiting, beliefs create barriers for you on several fronts. They lead to procrastination and laziness. Negative beliefs habitually destroy your hopes and aspirations.

Your morale suffers. So does your self-confidence and self-worth. Non-supportive beliefs make you lose your focus distracting you from your intended success path.

Apply the KISS Principle To Your Next Project

It’s commonly known that the acronym KISS stands for “Keep it simple, stupid.” Well, I’ve gone ahead and modified it to be a little more effective by saying, “Keep it smart, stupid.” The KISS principle, while it shouldn’t be used every time in every situation, definitely has its place in the world of business.

Where can you use the KISS (Keep it smart) method in your company?

How To Use Workplace Conflict to Your Advantage

Conflict is a fact of life. Getting comfortable with it is the hard part. Conflict is painful and when confronted many of us slip into some form of avoidance. That’s the first mistake. It doesn’t go away – it just grows. As the saying goes, dealing with conflict when it feels like a “pinch” is so much better than waiting until it grows and feels like a “crunch.” No doubt conflict can be destructive but it can also be constructive.

Work-Life Balance: Who’s Owning Who?

Is work-life balance really a myth? Is it something for men as well as women? YES!

Every now and then, I pop over and read the fabulous musings of Cali Yost. She’s an expert blogger on the work-life subject for Fast Company and hosts her own site at the Flex+Strategy Group. I like Cali’s content. And I agree with her: work-life BALANCE is something of a myth. She prefers the phrase “work-life fit.”

Persuasion Comfort via Karen AND Dale Carnegie

It’s important to be aware of your comfort or discomfort with persuasion. Find out how fear plays a role in your influencing or persuasive behavior. Here’s a quick self-exam. Just as we do an external exam it is equally important to do an internal exam. Read these statements. Be as honest as you can (nobody will see your answers – only you!) Please answer Yes or No to the following: 1. I second guess myself more than 2 times every day. 2. When ordering a meal at a café I hesitate because of what others will say.

Learn To Recognize These 5 Sources Of Power

Power is the ability to bring about a change in one’s psychological environment.

Does this resonate with you? For someone to have the power to change your psychological environment, don’t you have to give them that power first? Or is this a psychological game people play?

All good questions. But the real question is this: when people attempt to use this power on you, do you recognize it?


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