5 Resolutions To Help You Get Ahead At Work: Are You Ready To Commit?

Making well defined resolutions is the cornerstone in getting ahead. The quality and success of your resolutions depend on your willingness to stay committed to them.

How is a resolution related to getting ahead? A resolution is defined as a formal expression or intention to make a decision or arrive at a solution. When you make a resolution you are making a commitment to doing something that moves you forward.

Stuck In a Rut? Recognize and Change These 6 Business Potholes

Many people are finding themselves in the rut of old patterns of behavior that are causing barriers to their business success. These bad habits are hurting their bottom line, their business relationships and giving them a false sense of security.

Overall, people have so many wonderful characteristics. But sometimes these wonderful characteristics can become liabilities to their business.


The Top 5 Things You Need For Successful Negotiation

Women are learning the value of successful negotiation. However, men initiate negotiation four times more than women. Because of poor or nonexistent negotiation skills women leave approximately $2000 on the table when buying a car. Women are more pessimistic about the rewards of negotiation than men. These and similar statistics are reflective of a woman not knowing her worth and having low expectations of her capabilities. Men have learned to be confident in their negotiation skills, but there could be a thing or two left to learn.

The Corporate Ladder: Documenting the Journey

When it comes to climbing the corporate ladder, you not only need to be on top of your game but you also need to watch your back. As we all know, there are sour grapes in every bunch of people we work with. Some of these backstabbers try either overtly or covertly to sabotage you, especially if they see you constantly succeeding. And not all of them are your peers. They can be your bosses, too!

The Likeability Factor

Conventional wisdom has taught us it’s more important to be respected than liked. But there is something to be said about the power of likeability.

The bridge between you and success is built around likeability. Sure, there are successful people who are not liked. But the road to success can be easier, and more profitable, by being likeable.

If you want to earn support from your peers, have the loyalty of your employees, lead your followers to a better future, and finally achieve your life’s dreams, you must first be liked.

3 Things to Know About Your Influence

Being influential can mean the difference between success and failure. Yours. Influence is touted as an outer or external component as a means of getting what you want. This is logical IF you accept influence as how to exert power over someone or a situation. James Ford (article) instructs leaders on the five sources of power to influence people: reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, expert power and referent power.

Women in Business: Do You Have Stick-tuitive-ness?

When it comes to being in business, the road to success can be long and hard, marked by many highs and lows and everything in between. Like life, our business can make us ride an emotional roller coaster - if we let it. We may jump for joy when we land a new client or enter into a profitable partnership, or we may fall into despair when we lose a great employee or our line of credit maxes out and the upcoming financial forecast looks grim.

Are You Revealing TOO Much?

When is enough enough? Is your "truth-telling" getting you in trouble? What happens when you first meet someone? Do you get diarrhea of the mouth? Do you clam up not saying a word?

There’s a fine balance between truthfully representing your personality and making a good first impression. You need to choose your words carefully and give the right "spin" – yes, spin. This is where you begin to shape the perception others will have of you.


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