Finding Your Voice

It takes guts and bravery to succeed in today's business world. This is why it’s important very early on to establish your voice. 

Don’t Let Your Ego Get Too Big For Your Head

Many times we fall into one of the biggest dangers that comes with an increase in power and that is getting a big head and becoming arrogant. Arrogance can actually do a lot of damage to your career, so you want to avoid it at all costs. Here's how you can gain more power at work without becoming overly cocky.

5 Ways Being A Change Agent Can Equal Profits

I always find it interesting that so few of us deal well with change, when it’s one of the most common constants in the world. Change happens. It’s all around us! Yet for some reason, when change affects our lives or workplace, we have a little meltdown and don’t really know what to do. Today I want to let you in on a little secret: If you learn to embrace change (and even be the agent of change), you can reap the rewards. Here are five ways that you can use change to make a profit.


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