“I can’t make a commitment right now!” Everyone has either heard or said these words. Being afraid of commitment has its roots in the fear of the unknown. If you knew the outcome of every decision you made it would be easy. Then you could commit yourself with ease, right? Not really.

But setting goals and outlining your objectives is the first step to reaching goal achievement. But what does it take to make a commitment to a decision, an idea, a friend, a goal or a purpose? There are 5 foundational aspects to making a commitment.

  1. Self-knowledge. This involves knowing what (or who) is right for you. Too many people wrestle with ‘should I or shouldn’t I’ thinking. You’re ahead of the game when you know yourself well enough to not linger on these thoughts. Know the tipping point between your ‘Must-haves” and “Like-to-haves.”
  2. Pay attention. To what? To everything. Be in tune with everything going on in your environment. Sounds, sights, energy, intentions, and expressions. Yes, it is possible and every woman has the innate ability to master this attention.
  3. Be present. What you do today is, in reality, forming your future. The words you say, the thoughts you think, the wishes you dream and the actions you take are defining your destiny. Shaping your being and your life’s legacy.
  4. See the Value. Before you can truly be committed you have to ‘see the value.’ Remember the phrase from the movie, Jerry Maguire, “Show me the money?” It’s about your faith and belief in what you are hearing. This applies to what you are telling yourself, too. Yes, unfortunately we sometimes to lie to ourselves, hoping for a different outcome. This doesn’t work!
  5. Remember your mistakes. Experience from commitments gone wrong is invaluable. The more you learn from them the more you won’t repeat them.
Commitment is the one necessary dynamic for anything worthwhile. Whether you’re an athlete, a writer, a musician, it all requires a level of commitment which will in turn define your level of achievement. This goes for your business, too. Your height of success is directly proportional to your measurement of commitment.
From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina