Do you always do the right thing at the wrong time? Maybe you’re in the right place but the wrong time.

Timing is a trait everyone wishes they had.

Can the art of perfect timing be learned?

Is it simply a matter of thinking or listening to that feeling in your gut? It’s both.

The decision making part of your brain is constantly observing, storing, and arranging all the information it comes in contact with. It calculates what, when, and how we use that information.

On the other hand, humans possess vastly sophisticated senses to help in the navigation process. We get "signals" that make us feel everything is on schedule. This is called intuition.

The problem comes when we don’t pay attention to those signals. We fail to appreciate the extent to which our brains interpret the patterns, observations and motions it incorporates into its storage system.

So when these two facets join, what happens? What does it look like? How capable do you become when these strengths combine?

Your nonverbal brain communicates to you through hunches; it can give you uneasy feelings when you procrastinate too long or commit too quickly. It has the capacity to excite you, slow you down or keep you feeling balanced.

Merging these two facets of brain storage and instinct is when you will substantially increase your chances of not only being in the right place at the right time but also doing the right thing at the right time.

Timing success is dependent on the extent you pay attention.

The need for perfect timing is protection and opportunity. Protect you from bad things, accidental wrongs and hurtful or damaging situations. Perfect timing is also an opportunity, chances for improving abilities, increasing knowledge and reaching goals.

People who value the need for protection and understand the presence of opportunity respect both information and inklings.

"Lucky" people will tell you they tune in to information and instincts, while "unlucky" people talk of how they ignore or reject facts and premonitions. They push away the uncomfortable feelings that signal danger or trouble lying ahead.

How can you tune into your timing inclinations? The best way is to access your internal guide about the future while noticing everything that is occurring in your present.

Sound impossible?

It’s the difference between tying yourself to the sinking boat and jumping into the life raft. It’s a decision – an important one.

Here are some strategies that will help you determine what and where the right place is.

  1. Breathe - slowly. Focus on your heart rate. Stay aware of your pulse. Pay attention to what is going on in your body. It speaks volumes.
  2. Accept that you can’t change the past. It’s done. What you can change is where you go from there.
  3. Recognize that the future is unpredictable, and you can use all your powers to determine what fits best to get you there.
  4. Identify what is current – things going on in the present. If the present is painful, it can hurt, but not as bad as pretending everything is good.
  5. Follow through on ideas or plans for your future.
  6. Pay attention to your gut, hunches and intuition. Make changes accordingly. It’s there to protect and serve you.

Following these steps will give you an increased ability to predict and use your information and instincts. The more you act on your gut or instincts, the more accurate your predictions will become.

The best way to develop your "timing skill" is by correcting your mistakes. Anticipating conditions that might change, avoiding possible problems and taking hold of opportunities, is very much a skill. Exercise it every day – after all, timing is everything!

[This is only one of the many powerful articles in this week's Influence It! Real Power for Women free ezine. To enjoy the full issue, jam packed with insightful information on strategies to enhance your personal and professional life to achieve ultimate success, you must be a subscriber. Sign up for your own free subscription NOW by clicking here!]

From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina