Do you ever wonder whose life you’re influencing? Look around you. Who do you see? What’s going on in your environment?

Where are you having impact? Do you have the upper hand - carefully measuring and selecting what goes on in your world?

The person who takes charge of his or her environment, diminishes the unexpected outside influence and embraces the effort, energy and time it takes to make it all happen – is a person you need to pay attention to.

Influential people walk carefree into a room of friends or strangers – it makes no difference - and gets immediate attention. They are totally aware of the energy they bring with them and the raised eyebrows of curiosity.

People who are influential inspire more than comment. They inspire action - action that produces results. These people have courage that shines through darkness. They have the confidence to believe in their power.

Influential people never sacrifice integrity to bring about change. They always find a way to stir people in their world. Their simple presence causes commotion - the good kind. But they’re comfortable with the uneasy kind, too.

The influential person knows that people are creatures of emotion – not logic. They understand the role of logic and reason but thrive on emotion. Emotion is the glue that allows them to have impact, make a connection, get noticed and build a following.

Influential people know it’s all about the relationship. The relationship they have with themselves is of utmost importance. Their experience and know-how is vested in a strong ability to form lasting, committed relationships. They share their story - one that resonates deeply with others.

These people keep their eye on the ball. They focus their power on making a difference that benefits not only them but other men and women in their sphere. They ask tough questions, not afraid of the answers. Influential people create comfort where people can trust and like them. They don’t stop when they meet a wall. They continue forward finding another way. Persistence is their middle name.

Influential people understand and thrive on the value of gratitude. They honor honesty, respect and the willingness to return a kindness and be gracious for time spent. Their persona exists without mask or disguise. It shows the road to their inner most desires, perpetuating the truth of what makes them strong.

The most important facet of influential people is their capacity to love. They love themselves. They’re not afraid to make themselves a priority. They are secure in knowing how this translates into being confident, committed and courageous in reaching out, bringing about needed change and engaging everyone in their world.

From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina