The smart woman knows that she can learn and be taught. But there are certain things only you can teach yourself. These are at the top of the list of 5 things you MUST teach yourself.
  1. Learn how you learn best. Visual? Auditory? Accelerated? Do you require one-on-one contact or instruction? How does your mind work – in pictures or words? Knowing this will save you time and money later on as well as help you retain better what you’ve learned.
  2. Learn HOW to think. Not WHAT to think. There is a difference. How to think sets you up for excellent problem-solving, smart decision making and creative brainstorming.
  3. Learn self-discipline. Practice what you know. Set your goals AND set the time you will achieve them. Then make your plan to get it done. Do the hard work – take every step needed to accomplish what you need to get to the next goal.
  4. Learn how to promote yourself. The best piece of advice I got was not to depend on others to promote me. I needed to do that myself. Now, I’m not talking about bragging but stepping forward and sharing what I know, did or can do. You are your best source for PR!
  5. Learn how to build your network. Every person you come into contact with has the potential to assist you in your journey – if you let them. It’s easy getting to know people but very few know the art of letting others get to know THEM. Learn how to engage, communicate and connect with people.
Each of these items can only be discovered not by observation but by practice. Read, study and apply what you discover. Find out what fits and works for you, what you need to understand and how to incorporate it into your life – every day. [Editor’s Note: I believe in a constant effort to grow and expand your knowledge base, you need to learn something new every day. Leaning helps create a savvy, well-rounded woman. Leveraging the power of influence is one of the fundamental techniques that can be used personally and professionally to gain control of a situation, event, person, or outcome. If you’d like to learn how to put the odds in your favor as well as be more of the "captain" and less of the "passenger", click here now!]
From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina