Putting the "I" Back In Integrity

Men and women in business are astute when it comes to watching out for integrity. You want to know that everyone you deal with, hire, or promote is working from a space of integrity. The word integrity conjures up images of politicians, business people and individuals in authority. It’s a blue ribbon that people feel a need to conquer.

When To Say NO to Get to YES

Knowing when to say no is a major first step in getting to yes. How? Psychologically, when people hear no their immediate reaction is how they can turn that 'no' into a yes. For instance, when you tell the car salesperson, "not today", they begin to figure out ways to make the deal even sweeter - to your advantage. Saying no can open up doors that yes never would. Another example is when you say no to your kids having 20 kids for a sleepover. Then they will begin negotiating to the manageable 6 friends. Saying no leads to better more effective negotiation.

Are You Revealing TOO Much?

When is enough enough? Is your "truth-telling" getting you in trouble? What happens when you first meet someone? Do you get diarrhea of the mouth? Do you clam up not saying a word?

There’s a fine balance between truthfully representing your personality and making a good first impression. You need to choose your words carefully and give the right "spin" – yes, spin. This is where you begin to shape the perception others will have of you.

How to Guarantee You Are Listening

When you speak, do others hear you? Do they "listen" to you? Are you listening to them?

Listening and hearing are different actions. Hearing is the physical act of the ear picking out sounds from another’s voice. It simply happens. Listening is what you consciously choose to do. Listening requires concentration so your brain can create meaning from words and sentences.

Listening leads to learning.

Using Language to Explode Your Power

What’s in a word? Is it worth a thousand pictures? Lots and could be. Words are approximately 7% of our communication so what makes them so important? Because without them we would struggle to get our point across or hear that all-important feeling or thought someone is trying to share. Power language and power conversations make you powerful. When you use powerful communication, verbal AND non-verbal, the world begins to see you as a force to be respected. 3 ways you can use language that undermines your power.

3 Ways to Become a Highly Appreciated Working Parent

Working moms and dads get a bad rap. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Do or don’t what? Everything! The working parent is busting you-know-what to be everything, everywhere to everyone. Face it – that’s impossible even for Wonder Woman or Super Man. Every working parent I know at some time or other has felt run down, exhausted, overwhelmed, unnoticed, and unappreciated. Well, there is something you can do about it. Sure, you can take time for yourself - away from the wanting, nagging and expectations. That may help, of course, it will!

Top 5 Motivators of Your Employees

What gets your employees, contractors, or freelancers charged and ready to go? If you don’t know you should find out because the very success of your business could depend on it. And besides, why wouldn’t you want to work with a group of people who are raring to go, bringing you tons of customers, making you huge profits, and eagerly spreading your message?

So what can you do to keep the spark alive? Listen to what motivates them. Here are the top 5 things that motivate your closest allies:


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