Building your Persuasion Strategy

Strategic persuasion is exactly what it sounds like. It’s basically being smart about the way you engage people in order to persuade them to see your point of view. Here are a few basic tenets that you must have in order for strategic persuasion to work.

Finding the Time to Network

Most networking events happen during happy hours or at times most people find convenient outside of work hours, which is time that you like to spend with your family. But you know you need to make these connections in order to get new business or advance your career, so what do you do?

6 Simple Influence Techniques to Have More Fun, Better Relationships and Business Success

Parents and kids alike love building blocks because they perform so well…a succession of gentle steps from one solid foundation to the next till you reach the top. I encourage you to use what I call Influence Blocks! These are blocks that build your influence for any situation. Learn about 6 building blocks for influence success!


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