We all have blessings in our life; however, there are a good number of people who couldn’t tell you what they are if their life depended on it. These are the people who complain to a great extent, expect way too much from others, and rely heavily on success to come from nowhere. Being grateful can have an enormous effect on your life, if you start counting your blessings.
  1. Being grateful improves your disposition. It makes you happier and therefore, more approachable and likeable.
  2. Counting your blessings helps you build stronger relationships. When you focus on what is great about the other person, you begin to see that trait or quality, making you more open to the positive aspects of your relationship.
  3. Counting your blessings makes your more productive. Have you ever noticed how people who know how good they have it behave? They whistle; they dance. They are charged up to conquer the next task at hand making them remarkably industrious.
  4. Being grateful can build resiliency. You are better equipped to handle the disappointments life will hand you. You have a wider range of responses when times get tough.
  5. Finally, counting your blessings brings peace and contentment into your life. You no longer feel the anxiety or tension of worrying about what you are missing. This is probably the best reason of all.
[This is only one of the many powerful articles in this week's Influence It! Real Power for Women free ezine. To enjoy the full issue, jam packed with insightful information on strategies to enhance your personal and professional life to achieve ultimate success, you must be a subscriber. Sign up for your own free subscription NOW by clicking here!]
From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina