Men tend to think of wealth in terms of money. It’s something that they invest in. Women think of wealth in terms of relationship and health. Both can be correct.

Now men and women are beginning to determine a different definition of wealth. It is time – rather control over their time. We call it balance, organization, relaxation, productivity and many other names.

The key here is the value of your time. What is it worth? Some of you let others formulate what your time is worth. This is a mistake because you are not taking control of your worth. You’ve fallen into the trap of handing your power over and succumbing to what others either believe about you or want from you.

For instance, if a co-worker needs you to cover a certain aspect on a project that was assigned to him, he may say, “It will only take you a couple of hours.” Translation – it’s not that much time so it’s no big deal. He has predetermined that a couple of hours is not a problem because you have nothing better to spend your time on. By the way, this is highly communicated in his tone and non-verbal language.

On the other hand, there are some of you who decide what your time is worth, not only in dollars and cents but in importance. In looking at the same example, you ask yourself, “Is this worthy of my time? Does he deserve my attention to this project?” It all comes down to how you view your time and how your train others to see it, too.

True wealth is not about spending time to get what you want so much as it is about spending time doing what you are passionate about. Are you working all those long extra hours (here’s time, again) for the extra home in the Bahamas or because you absolutely are crazy about what you do?

Only you can decide. But do it before someone else decides for you!


From regional manager to international executive with quadruple the pay, Karen Keller’s unique blueprint carefully outlined the step-by-step process for creating high-impact influence and let me know when I was being influenced in a way that didn’t serve me.
Lloyd Moore
Global Director Supplier Quality & Development - Lear Corporation – South Carolina