Failing with Grace: Learning from Our Mistakes

The next time you experience failure, take the time to analyze it and figure out what lessons you can take away from it. Here are a few ways you can analyze and learn.

Great Videos for Executives: Say Hello to TED

Whether you’re prepping for a major meeting or just need a break in your day, you can stop by the TED site and view one of thousands of TED talks designed to provoke, inspire, amuse and change the way you think about the world. 

10 Quick Ways Women Can Empower Themselves

When you feel empowered, you can accomplish anything you desire. Empowerment for women doesn’t mean you have to burn your bra or spit at the end of the bar. It doesn’t mean you need to be aggressive or stare down the nearest competitor with vigor. But there are a few things you can do to set yourself on the road to empowerment.
  1. Value relationships where you are an equal. This applies to both personal and professional relationships where you are respected and valued as a person for what you believe, and the ideas you bring to the table.

Improving People Skills: Get Ahead In Life With Interpersonal and Communication Skills That Work!

Day in and day out, whether at work or running our own business, we have to interact with people. We may talk face-to-face, by phone or Skype, by email, or on popular virtual gathering places like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Never before have we had so many ways we can connect to people, and never has it been so critical to make your presence strong and consistent no matter the platform.

The Power of Self-Discipline: Do You Have It?

Self-discipline is the skill to get yourself to take action in spite of your emotional condition. It’s about willpower, persistence and hard work. The pivotal point of self-discipline is when you make a conscious decision, it is virtually guaranteed that you will follow through with it. The self-disciplined person loses 20 pounds. The self-disciplined person runs the marathon. The self-disciplined person creates wealth. The self-disciplined person finds real love.

What Never To Take to a Business Conference

Every person has attended one too many business conferences in his or her lifetime. You listen to savvy, smart people telling you everything they think you should do, be or feel. Most of which you already know. But you go anyway. Take a close look at what is happening when you go. What will serve you? Who are you in these awkward exchanges? Besides your too-tight suit, hard-core makeup and brand new shoes, what are some important pieces you definitely should leave at home, or better yet, get completely rid of

Executive Coaching | Your Secret Weapon

Executive coaching has wide and varied applications–as many different ones as there are companies and individuals working for them.  Here are a few typical situations where coaching can provide significant benefits.

Women’s Corporate Leadership: Three Key Attributes

I see the best examples of women’s corporate leadership in my everyday life.  What do these amazing women teach me about women’s corporate leadership? Great executive women aren’t about the Brooks Brothers suits…they’re leaders with proven tactics who build, create and encourage!


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